Saturday 25 November 2006

Piratas de los Carribinos

You know when you're friends with someone, and you have been for some time? Well have any of you been in the situation where they 'find' new friends? Well that's what is happening at the moment, which is a bit gash, but I think it's a confidence thing.

Anyway, I'm gonna buy some chinese :D

Thursday 23 November 2006

So is this what it's all about

Let me first start off by saying that if anyone I know reads this, then please keep it to yourself, I deeply value the opinions of my closest freinds, and you know who you are, but there comes a time when it's good to let some things out to the open, and this is it, and that's where it should stay... in the open, with no reflections, but no dampeners.

So I turned 24... imagine that? But it's made me think, what exactly about, I'm not sure, and whether it's the fact I'm slightly drunk, maybe it's that I'm listening to oceansize and Mono (the astute of you will see the reference here), or whether the latest episode of the OC touched me in ways that a (newly) 24 yr old male shouldn't be touched (so says society) or something else... nonetheless I have started to think, what's going on?

I'm a little adrift, and as much as I like spontenaity (and being adrift seems to be a part of that too) this just doesn't feel right, like the argonauts (perhaps) as they set off on a voyage that most of them didn't return from.

Ok, I'll give you (whoever you may be, if you are reading this, I shall call you Fabienne, I'm not sure why, but that's the name of my French 'pen pal' on all those letters I had to write way back in the day - you know the kind, the ones that don't get posted) a background to me, as if you are reading this, then it's unlikely that you will personally know me.

I've just graduated, which is excellent, in a degree (or from?) which I didn't try particularily hard but managed to get a good result, and am now working in London during the week doing work experience for a composer who is helping me out as I try to jam my foot in the door of the music industry... and it's a bloody heavy door.

During the weekends I'm working at Virgin... again, for the money as my work ex in unpaid, unsurprisingly, and that's all shits and giggles, though Rach has left since I last worked there (about 2 years ago) which is a bit rubbish as she was well sound.

enough about that, tonight... it was my birthday yesterday (the 24 thing) and it crept up on me without so much as a broken twig underfoot, and seemed to pass much the same, which sounds like I'm lamenting the fact, but that's fine by me. I've never been a great fan of being the centre of attention, and if I had to be, I'd rather be in a group of people who are all equally in the 'eye' (an obvious example here would be a group). As such, my birthdays I've always prefered a quieter affair where my nearest and dearest have a good time... presence is preferable to presents.

but this time felt different...